We offer 2 types of golf betting on all major golfing events: Odds to win the tournament and individual player matchups for the tournament and daily rounds.
In head to head match-ups, both golfers must tee off and complete one full hole in order to have action. If one or both golfers do not complete their first hole, all bets will be considered no action and all bets will be refunded.If one player misses the cut, his opponent is deemed the winner. If both players miss the cut, the lower score wins. If both players have the same score, then all wagers will be refunded. If a player withdraws after completing one hole or misses the cut, the player who plays the most holes, wins.
You can bet right up to tee-off time.
In the case of rainouts or delays, all bets will stand and have action.
If a tournament is shortened, after it has started, then all bets stand.
If a tournament is officially abandoned, all bets are void.
Bets on tournament winners will have no action if the player does not start the tournament. The only exception will be when All-In / No Refunds is stated. These bets will have action, even if the player does not start the tournament.
Last updated