Season Total Wins
We offer season total wins bets on a variety of sports including NFL, NCAA Football, and Major League Baseball.
Teams must play every Scheduled game for action. Only regular season games count.
All forfeited games will count as official in all RSW and future wagers.
NCAA Football
Bowl games and conference championship games are not included in season total wins total. Regular season games only. Teams must play every scheduled game for action.
All forfeited games will count as official in all RSW and future wagers.
NCAA Football RSW Props and bets: Any scheduled games that are cancelled but are made up at a later date, with a different team, will be considered no action and all monies will be refunded accordingly.
Teams must play 160 regular season games for action. Any team playing less than 160 games will deem all wagers to be void and all monies will be refunded. Any additional playoff games to determine Divisional winners or Wild Card participants for example, are not included in Season Total Wins.
Last updated