General Rules
Any accounts, automated betting systems, or IP addresses that continually hit our website or negatively impact our operations in any way will be immediately closed. Assigned limits on the account are to be respected at all times, any violation of these limits by an account through non-standard wagering activity will be deemed a violation of terms and any funds obtained as a result will be forfeited.
1. Our rules conform very closely to those found at Las Vegas sportsbooks, and are used to protect both our company and player.
2. All player accounts are private and confidential, and all messages held for disputes.
3. All Clients must be 18 years of age.
4. We reserve the right to refuse a wager at any time, from any client without cause, and can refuse wagers from clientele who reside in states or provinces that prohibit sports wagering.
5. All rules, regulations, and payoffs listed in this publication are subject to change without prior written notice.
6. Account balances will reflect any wagers on future propositions or pending wagers.
7. Customers cannot risk more money than is available in their account.
8. All players are to confirm their own wagers before placing a bet. It is the responsibility of the player to confirm the wager at all times.
9. No wagers can be canceled once the wager is placed. The only manner in which a client can cancel a wager is to wager on the opposite side of the contest in which he initially wagered.
10. On over/under wagers, over-time periods are included in the final score.
11. When wagering on half-time lines, the over-time period(s) are included as a part of the second half.
12. All minimums, maximums, and payout prices are subject to change without prior written notice.
13. Maximum payout for any parlay varies depending on your account. It is the bettor's responsibility to know the max payout.
14. With regard to suspended games, protest games, or overturned decisions, we follow Las Vegas gaming rules for wagering purposes. Otherwise we do not recognize suspended games, protests and overturned decisions for wagering purposes.
15. All sporting events must be played on date unless otherwise specified. If an event is postponed and/or rescheduled or there is a change of venue, then that event will automatically constitute no action, which means all monies for that event will be refunded (unless sport specific rules otherwise). All parlays/exotics will be recalculated excluding the leg of the parlay, using payout charts for that sport/betting option. Individual tennis matches have no action if the match is not fully completed due to withdrawal/incapacity or disqualification. If a match is rescheduled due to weather problems, bad light, etc., then all wagers will have action and all wagers will stand.
16. All payoffs are calculated on the odds in effect at the time of the wager.
17. It is prohibited to parlay the same team with both the point spread and the money line. Multiple bets are not accepted where the outcome of one part contributes to the outcome of another (correlated plays).
18. We do not report your transactions to any financial institution or government agency. It is the clients sole responsibility to report any such information to the appropriate taxable jurisdiction.
19. We are not responsible for clients who disclose their password and account number to other parties.
20. The winner of an event, or game, will be determined on the date that the event is concluded.
21. All wagers are in US dollars.
22. In the case of an obvious error on the posted line, scheduled time, or maximum wager, any wagers will be deemed a no action wager, and all money will be credited accordingly.
23. We reserve the right to take away any bonus, any time, without explanation.
24. Dates and kick-off times of events shown are for guidance purposes only. Bets will be accepted up to the advertised kick-off time. For any reason a bet is inadvertently accepted after an event or match has started, the selection(s) affected will be made void. This applies to both sports wagering and horse wagering.
25. Winners and losers are official after:
a. Soccer - 90 minutes of play. Overtime and penalty shots are not included.
b. Football NCAA & NFL 55 minutes of play.
c. Basketball NBA 43 minutes of play.
d. Basketball NCAA 35 minutes of play.
e. Hockey NHL 55 minutes of play.
f. All other sporting events 55 minutes of play
g. Overtime periods, quarters or extra innings are counted in the final score when wagering on totals, money line and spread betting unless specified and with the exception of soccer lines including a quote for a draw.
h. On halftime wagers, overtime periods are included as part of the second half.
i. All period and quarter wagers placed are for that specific period or quarter only.
j. Other sports All other contests that involve a scheduled length of play time or time limit must play to their conclusion or have five minutes or less of scheduled playing time remaining when the contest concludes to be considered official for wagering purposes.
26. Players are responsible for being forthright with their agents as to who is placing wagers. If you are not honest and give the account(s) to a professional syndicate or anyone else without informing your agent you risk having your wagers deleted, account closed, and forfeiture of funds. Agents have the right to know who is placing wagers.
27. Affiliate payouts are subject to scrutiny to ensure that referrals are unique users and not alternate accounts of the referrer. If it is determined that a referral bettor is actually the referrer and not a unique user, all earned payouts from that period will be nullified.
28. Loyalty program payouts ("cashback" and "freeplay" distribution) are incurred as 1 time per user. The use of alternate accounts to accumulate multiple bonuses is strictly prohibited. "Cashback" is defined as USDC distributed to the user, while "freeplay" is defined as $TCT distributed to the user. In the event of the Colosseum determining a violation, all distributed freeplay will be frozen and no more future bonuses will be distributed to any of the alternate accounts.
29. You are wagering on a managed platform . All financial transactions are conducted between you and your agent. Under no circumstances is the platform responsible for paying or collecting for your account. Each agent/player is responsible for determining legality in their jurisdiction.
Last updated